
Presenting: Flynn Novak

Now, I'm not too sure what it is about this guy but for some reason, whenever I see Flynn Novak's gangly frame popping up and taking off, I start to seriously froth in anticipation... and I know I ain't the only one! Of late, Novak has made some fairly large ripples of his own throughout the surfing world, being the first and only guy ever to successfully pull off, what has now become his signature manoeuvre, 'the Flynnstone Flip', backflip. That's right, a complete vertical rotation- BOOM! Novak is adamant that the Flynnstone Flip is a fully functional manoeuvre which can be thrown into any run, alongside a range of tricks, to tap into a top scoring ten point ride, demonstrated by this clip.

So, what's to come from Flynn? Well, just like most pioneers, Novak is not happy sitting back and waiting for the rest of his brethren to catch him up. Constantly looking to push the limits, not only is Novak continuing to perfect the flip but he's now pushing harder, faster and bigger in an attempt to break boundaries with the unimaginable double backflip- 720 degree vertical rotation... "you spin me riiight round baby riiight round!" 2012 looks like it's going to be a 'flipping' good year for Flynn! Seriously though, it does! 

Here he is flying his way into the 'Wave Of The Winter' final. #Notabene- super smooth transition. 

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